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Saturday, September 28, 2013


Motivational speaker Marianne Williamson once said "The Ego is suspicious at best, Vicious at worst" In the movie "Under The Tuscan Sun, Diane Lane's character, Frances says "What is it about Love that makes us so stupid?"
I put these two quotes together because I think that you cannot have one without the other. I also like that it is extremely deep. EGO=LOVE=FEAR. Essentiality isn't it the need to fill our own ego that we seek love?

And then when we do finally find "love", we become incredibly stupid.
We do stupid things, we think stupid things, and we definitely say stupid things. Then after all that, we become fearful, of all the stupid things that we have done, thought about and said.
I look at the word "Ego" and don't see a word, I see a Thing, the "ego" as this horrible little monster that is out to drive the self crazy. It is this bouncy monster that has tremendous power in getting into the very core of all the things that as any rational person would know better not to do.
Yet, the ego can somehow make all your best intentions turn into a big pile of dusty swirling gray air.
I am amazed at the power of the ego. It shows up in so many forms too. It can be the mere presence of a person that exudes it, or it can be in a bad speech, a broadcasters words, or it can just be it annoying a good thought which is the biggest weapon in the ego's artillery.
"Suspicious at best".
The ego is always suspicious, that is the first big clue that it's lurking to screw things up. It will make you begin to wonder, and use all it's crafty thoughts to get "suspicion" going. It will even go so far as to convince you that "it's not me, the ego, its your gut, go with your gut". "How can you ignore the gut". Well, maybe it's not always the gut. I have come up with some really good suspicious thoughts all on my own, with the help of my little ego friend that have really nothing to do with my "gut feeling" at all. The ego is just so good at pointing that way, because of all the pangs you are feeling inside your stomach. Your head says "yep, that my gut feeling" but the ego is over there in the corner laughing on it's side. What it really is, is nerves from all the worrying and thinking your ego has got you to do. The stomach always feels it first and then it's usually followed by the head. Nasty, Nasty little creature it is. And it doesn't stop there.
"Vicious at Worst"
Ever said anything so bad that after it has come out. you stop and can't believe that you honestly just said that? It happens at lot I suppose. I know I have done it countless times. And I also believe that my little ego Monster has screwed up my "karma" over the years, that I am still trying to clean up its dreadful messes.
So what is it about Love that makes us so stupid? Ego. Simple.
The ego places us into "Fear Mode" Fear of "what if's" and "what I said" and bad thoughts. With Fear there can not be light. And without light, there is always darkness. You cannot have Love and Fear at the same time.
Love is unconditional, and to the Ego, that is like it's kryptonite. If you truly love a person, place, even a thing, totally unconditionally, I can almost guarantee that there will be no further presence of the ego bouncing around. Yes, he will make every attempt to seep into any crack or crevice that is exposed and slide on in. But one must try as best they can to stay valiant and get out the mind caulk and seal those spaces at the first sight of this crazy creature.
That's the thing about the "Ego Monster" you are always cleaning up after it.
It's like the bad Gremlin, don't feed it, especially after midnight!

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