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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Are We to Honest?

It seems we are in a society that condones Honestly about everything. I personally think that honestly is good. I don't like lying or liars for that matter, but at the same time, I am not sure that I like all this honestly. Everyone is so open with their "stuff." Remember when less was better?I happen to think there is a level of privacy that should be maintained on certain things, I mean, I really don't want to know who in the public eye is in rehab, or pregnant, or has been abused. Especially after all you hear is celebrities moan about their lack of privacy, and then they run to talk shows and such and spill their most intimate details. What happened to mystery? I would hate to think what would happen if I told the absolute honest truth about everything that happened in My life. No way. And now I hear about it from everyone else. Sure, there is that little bit of "glad its them and not me," but nonetheless, I'd prefer to have those sordid little details left out. And for that matter- sometimes I even like to be lied to, in a complementary sort of way, what's wrong with that. Being so honest can hurt just as bad as a lie. Maybe I am just a cynical bitch. How is that for "honesty."?


jafabrit said...

An honest person to me is one that is sincere, forthright in dealing with others and and doesn't live a life of lies.
In regards to people sharing the details of their private life.I am not sure I see that as honesty as much as exploitive revelations that have no value other than voyeuristic interest and attention seeking. My view is that sharing all the details of your private life doesn't equate to being an honest person per se.

Just my humble and honest opinion though :)
Enjoyed your post

all the best for the new year
regards corrine

Unknown said...

Interesting and I agree , seeing it from that point of view. I tend to ramble everything thats on My mind at the time.
My thanks for your comments :)

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