Psychic it there?...
What about signs? Not the ones on the streets and in towns. The ones that are supposed to mean something significant. You see signs talked about a lot in the media, and Hollywood has surely focused in on this. Most notability so in the 2002 movie "Signs" and the 1989 movie "Field of Dreams."
Lately, a lot of respectable media outlets are interviewing people who are "supposed" experts in this.
In psychodynamic psychology, psychic energy, or psychological energy, was believed to be a form of energy by which the work of the personality is performed.[1] The concept of mental energies moving or displacing between various adjoined, conscious and unconscious, mental systems was developed predominantly in Sigmund Freud's 1923 The Ego and the Id. In psychoanalytic theory the source of psychic energy was the id. Although this theory is now obsolete, it caused or contributed to an expectation that actual energy (such as electromagnetic vibrations) can emanate from people, and even ghosts, and that this energy is detectable by scientific sensory equipment (such as voltage and electromagnetic field detectors.)
-From Wikipedia
There was a time I really believed in "signs." I suppose all this may fall under the myths and legends, beliefs, even energy flow.
With the risk of not sounding like a complete kook or one of those "Miss Cleo" types who used to run those fake psychic networks, there is an aspect of this that does have an interest to me in the way we live our lives,
Are signs are really out there? and if they are, are we in tune enough to see them? Back in archives of this blog I posted about seeing a shooting star, which I thought was good luck. I also posted a picture of a grasshopper that fell on me out of nowhere. another sign of luck.
So far, I cannot attribute any those things bringing "good luck." I can however remember the day I moved and the last thing I saw while leaving my old home was a dead frog on its back. There was this overwhelming feeling of dread that came over me at the time, I was sure I couldn't escape the meaning of it no matter how hard I tried to shrug it off. And I was right, It turned out to be one of the worst days of my life. I tried to shake off that image and that it has nothing to do with anything, but there was no way, and the day went on to sink me into an abyss of events that were just horrible.
So maybe it goes back to not so much "signs" but "energy."
Is there really good and bad energy out there?
That I do believe, Have you ever be around someone or something and just feel like crap? I have. Same for the other side of it. Being around someone or something great and feeling that greatness, felt that as well.
I know for sure, since I have been around the negative people how I feel, but I have never been around someone that was considered great. For instance, Bill Gates, would I be any more successful if I got to spend an evening talking with him? Would My energy level go up? Changes are they would. Would signs change?
The topic now on most news shows are "star power" backing potential candidates. Note the word "power." What is it that makes people powerful? I got to thinking about a statement that Heather Mills, the soon to be former wife of Beatle Paul Mccartney said: "My husband is so powerful that all he has to do is step up and tell the media I am not a bad person,". Which I personally don't believe. Point is, she is right. Though I do feel that Paul Mccartney is not doing that for her because she doesn't deserve to be spoken about in such a way, Though had he, the women's life would change. Paris Hilton, another complete waste of time and film for that matter, shows that with enough money, can generate enough positive press about herself to make herself a "powerful" person. Are these people anymore happy or on a more positive energy flow? Do they in some way still look for signs in ways to show how their life is going?
You don't have to look far to read about things related to ones energy flow or lack there of. There are speakers, books, talisman, and of course crystals that supposedly knock out or knock in energy flows. For I while I was in this "saging" kick, and dropped that, like almost everything mentioned above. Some people swear by it and good for them I hope it works, I have not found any of those things to make a significant difference in my life.
I do without a doubt believe that there is negative and positive energies in the world and they have some effect on people and their individual personalities. "Ying-Yang"
The trick is how to move from one end of that to the other, and is there a "gray" area in there?
I am certainly not saying that everyone can be happy all the time, things happen, but I think people that move within the space of more positive energy handle these things better, I do believe that there are people that live negatively more than 90% of the time. and things only get worse. Could it be that the "signs" of good luck that come to negitive people would be more effective if they were more positive? Do we actually have the ability to "out-cancel" the things or people that we feel are bad?
I always liked the word "out-cancel", it was a word I came across years ago when I was researching Wicca for an art project. My understanding of the word is that if someone does something bad to you in some way, you can pick up on it and "out-cancel" their request so to speak.
Honestly, I am not talking about Magic here or spells, I am really talking about "words." I think Words are the most powerful things we have at our disposal. The use of words can literally destroy you or put you in a better place. One if the best pieces of advice I got was to shut my mouth.
Maya Angelo talks about how words just "hang in the air" and spoke about a dinner party she had where one if her guests begun to speak badly about another person and said "Not in this house you don't!"
How many times have you said something bad and wish you could just take it back, but you can;t because it is out there.
Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolutions. -Kahlil Gibran
Keeping my mouth closed is not an easy thing for me, especially since I like to talk a lot, maybe that is why I write. But I have found that my mouth has got me in a lot of trouble at times, and over the years I have learned you don't always need to express every thought in your head orally to a person, nine times out of ten they probably don't want to hear it anyway, and I could be vicious.
"The Ego" as Marianne Willimson put it "is suspicious at best, vicious at worst."
There are speakers and books out there constantly talking about if you change the way you think, it can change the way things happen within your life.
So, where do we start with shifting these thoughts? - again what Marianne Willimson refers to as "miracles" Do we begin in our own heads? Knock out all the bad thoughts we have about how we look, and our fears, what someone said about us that was mean? Wouldn't it be great to just be able to erase all those thoughts and feelings like a giant eraser? The ability to stop having them play over and over again in out own minds.
Last week, I was in a situation that spilled over into my boyfriends life, where it could have escalated into other peoples lives. I was upset over this for most of the day, couldn't sleep that night as it continued to the rest of the day, I decided to try and change my "thoughts" on this matter,being the skeptic that I am on this, I took all the thoughts that were running in my mind about this, and turned them around into how I hoped this situation would turn out, And what happened? It worked. This was and is an extremely difficult process for me, because I still have a hard time believing that whatever you think happens. But this DID work. be continued.
“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.” -Kahlil Gibran
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